Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thoughts on a Ponderance

As I was sitting idly today, I pondered the musings that I thought up a few days ago. They were rather vague, so I shall not go into detail about them here. Suffice it to say they were interesting, and could very well have been entertaining.

Of course, do thoughts have to be entertaining to be worthy of being posted on a blog? Maybe so, if you want someone to actually read the blog. Of course in the case of this and its related blogs, that isn't something that should worry me. If the statistics are any indicator, these blogs are about as well visited as Radiator Springs from Cars after I-40 came through. So I suppose entertainment is not a requisite of the fevered regurgitated thoughts of my brain.

As fevered as the ideas may be, a blog post should be well structured and coherent, moving the reader along from beginning to end. Each paragraph should take over from its previous one, and should lead you on to the next. Failure to do so might leave the reader confused and angry.

As the Romans of old liked to say, "research is King". That is why all blog posts must be thoroughly researched. You certainly want to avoid Henry Clay's memorable gaffe in front of the House of Lords in 1930, and should instead emulate the speech of King Louis XV in front of the Kentucky State Legislature where he uttered the immortal words "Its Finger Licking Good, and I Helped!".

Nothing confuses or angers readers more than a irrelevant and misguided paragraph in the middle of the post. Well, mabe CaPItaLizaTion eRRorS, speling misstakes, and to incorrectly use grammar never not gooder which normally to.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thoughts on the First Post

Welcome everyone to the newest blog in the ramshackle Andrew C. Tate blogging empire. Considering how few visitors I get to my other half-assed blogs, I figure why not expand to another one. After all, a person can't have too many blogs, right?

So why does this blog exist? Simply put, it is here to fill a niche that was lacking in my blogs. Basically it is here for just general pondering and random thoughts. My main blog at serves best as a blog for the things I do, such as watching movies, following sports, or developing web sites. August Prairie has a main focus on politics with a little bit of history and current events thrown in. Of course now, some of the more abstract thought on these topics will probably end up here. The Expat is focused primarily upon Vermilion County, Illinois, and the scope of Prairie Traveler's Guide is pretty self-explanatory. Therefore I decided I needed another outlet.

I must be upfront in saying I don't know where exactly this will go. I don't intend for it to get too personal, or for it to plumb deep into the depths of my consciousness, but I am not promising anything at this point. I also hope to keep it coherent and rational, but I just can't completely commit to that. It is for this reason that I have named the blog, as the bullcrap might get pretty thick here. As always, you are welcome to call me on that.

This might be a very dynamic blog, or it might sit dormant for long periods, depending on my mood and my willingess to ponder on things while writing in a fashion that is ready for posting. I hope it will be something that if not beneficial to society, isn't something that takes away from it. Of course, if it is deterimental to society, I hope it is at least entertaining.